
come by是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

come by

美式发音: [kʌmbaɪ] 英式发音: 



第三人称单数:comes by  现在分词:coming by  过去式:came by  同义词反义词


v.happen upon,luck into,come upon,fall upon,come across



na.1.to get something, especially something that is hard to get2.to go to the place where someone is for a short visit

1.得到 come before 在…之前来 come by 从旁走过;得到 come down 败落 ...

2.获得 come at… 袭击 come by获得 come down with… 患(病) ...

3.拜访 come along 进展; 一块来去 come by 参观,访问,拜访 come in 进来,到达,起作用 ...

4.看望 ... come between(2) 妨碍(某人做某事) come by(2) 访问,看望 come off(2…

5.找到 measure sth against sth 于...相比会...样 come by 找到 bereft of 缺少 ...

6.从旁走过 come before 在…之前来 come by 从旁走过;得到 come down 败落 ...

7.弄到 run at 攻击 come by 偶然遇见,弄到 cut by 削减,少了 ...

8.经过 come true 实现 13. come by 经过 14. come for 取 15. ...


1.No greater resource available to the developer is as easy to come by as the lowly and traditional book.对开发人员而言,没有哪一种资源能比价格便宜的传统书籍更容易获取。

2.There's been a lot of comment and just a lot of laughing. It seems that people won't come by here anymore.很多人对此有意见,多是在嘲笑我,看样子大家再也不会打这经过了。

3.Although exact numbers are hard to come by, Worrall is one of a growing number of pet owners who pose as their animals on social networks.尽管准确数字难以统计,确实有越来越多像Worrall一样的宠物拥有者将他们的宝贝放入社交网站上。

4.Other opportunities to see the total phase of this eclipse of the Sun were also hard to come by.看到这次日全食的全食阶段的机会来之不易。

5.Russians are very hospitable. So if you come by, be ready to drink black tea and eat fattening food (like sausages).俄罗斯人热情好客,所以如果你来做客,准备好饮用红茶,吃肥腻的食物(比如腊肠)吧。

6.Some, including Tata Motors, overextended themselves when commodity prices were high and credit was easy to come by.在商品价格高、信贷较容易获取的时候,包括塔塔汽车在内的某些公司就有些不自量力了。

7.and she could not help thinking her poor dear sister Price would feel it very unkind of her not to come by such an opportunity.有这么好的机会她再不去,她认为她那可怜的亲爱的普莱斯妹妹定会觉得她太不讲情意了。

8.Admittedly, a satisfactory resolution is not always easy to come by.诚然,要让双发都很满意地解决问题并不容易。

9.Some climbers had come by and looked at him, and he heard them say, "He's dead. "有些登山者经过他身旁,打量了他一番,然后他听到他们说,“他已经死了。”

10.This type of money is hard to come by and can be very fickle in its affections.这种钱是来之不易的,并因为情感而非常易变。